One of the great priviledges in my life has been to perform work and service to those who are in need. I've been reflecting on my past mission trips (with my church) to Mexico as we view on television the utter devastation in Haiti. There are many great aid organizations for donating money and I like American Red Cross and Franklin Graham Ministries.When we connect with our brothers and sisters of the world, whether in the U.S. or abroad, I have found the people providing aid get as much out of their service as those on the receiving end.
Yucatan house
Local Man Staying Cool in the Shade
I have been on two mission trips to Mexico and plan to return next year. My church has developed a wonderful relationship with different outreach groups in the Yucatan. We built in the tiny village of Sitpatch, along with volunteers from other churches, a Presbyterian church (from the ground up). Last spring, we added a laundry room to a facility that provides assistance to children in need. We have also given financial gifts, food, clothing, household supplies, prayer and Bible classes to local villagers. During last year's spring break, my two high school age sons came on the trip and they said they can't wait to serve again.